
Pizzeria da Baffetto, Italy

Is this the best pizza in Italy? Hmm... I suppose so. It is recommended by Fodor's so my friend and I decided to pay a visit to this place.

Here's the description of Baffetto excerpted from Fodor's Rome's 25 Best...
A tiny, hole-in-the wall classic that has retained its atmosphere and low prices. Expect to wait for a table.

Yep, Fodor's is right about the queue. We took a picture of this pizzeria after we finished our dinner at around 7.30pm.

The founder of Baffetto... the old man in specs (see his picture posted on the wall). hehe!

Check out the poster - As good as mothers milk! (^_~)
We ordered one Pizza Baffetto and another dish with bread topped with tomato. The pizza is delicious, it is thin and crispy, and traditionally cooked in a wood-fire oven.

However, I have to admit that the service wasn't that great. You will be yelled by the owner if you pick your own seating. (^_^') The owner will be unhappy if you fold his menu. Also, you may need to share the long table with other couples or family since the long table can accomodate up to 6 persons.
Because we love the atmosphere of this pizzeria, and the food isn't expensive, we went there again on the second day. This time we were treated well by the waiters. We ordered another pizza studded with cheese and ham, and a tiramisu dessert.
The pizza looked burnt but in fact it tasted great.

Pizza Baffetto again... (^_~)

The tiramisu dessert... yummy! And a closer look of the tiramisu (sorry if the picture looks ugly :P)

Via del Governo Vecchio, 114, Rome, Italy.
Daily 6.30pm - 1am; closed in August

法国与意大利之旅 - 感想

法国 - 俊男、美女、美车。。。 聚集一堂的地方。

意大利 - 俊男美女也蛮多,但是,他们的皮肤较黝黑。我想,这都该归功于伟大的太阳公公吧! 以下这张照片就是我在意大利曝晒了一天的结果 - 脚上明显的出现了一个“X”!

如果要我用几个词来形容夏天的意大利,我想应该是。。。 艺术家、雪糕、红酒、还有pizza。无论何时何地,都可看见人人手上均有一杯雪糕。



这次的欧洲之旅,我竟没带防晒油。我从未想过意大利的太阳竟然比马来西亚的还要猛(不好意思,我表达到好像有两个太阳般 :P)。 还有,法国的天气,虽然阳光普照,但它未必是温和或是凉爽,对怕冷的一族来说,有些时候它还是蛮冷的。。。
总结 - Before leaving for the trip... I'm fair like 白斩鸡; after a day in Italy, I become 烧鸡。